
Collect Passports + Other Info from Board Members

Collecting passports and other sensitive information from board members and company officers for KYC and Due Diligence responses can be insecure if not properly managed, as it exposes the data to potential breaches and unauthorized access.
How Avallone helps

Companies can utilize the Avallone Platform to securely collect passports and other sensitive information from board members and company officers for KYC and Due Diligence responses.

The platform allows these individuals to directly upload their files and information into a dedicated area specific to their own data, ensuring that the collection process is both streamlined and secure. This method minimizes the risk of unauthorized access and data breaches by keeping sensitive information compartmentalized and accessible only to authorized personnel.

Once the information is uploaded, it can be seamlessly integrated into KYC and Due Diligence responses.

The platform’s user-friendly interface makes it easy to attach the necessary files directly to the relevant sections of any compliance documentation. This not only enhances the efficiency of the KYC process but also ensures that all required information is readily available and properly organized, supporting comprehensive and accurate compliance efforts.

Selected Avallone products and services

How we can help you with KYC

Whether it's software or services, Avallone covers 360 degrees of KYC